Olsen Rise

Olsen Rise provides a total of 21 two bedroom shared equity apartments for LACE Housing a specialist provider of accommodation and links to the existing support and care provision on site and also provides easy access to nearby shops – supporting independent living.

The siting of the proposed apartments completes the north and west sides of the site to reinforce the sense of community created by the enclosed courtyard.

Primary and secondary building elements in the form of projecting bays with hipped roofs and gables present formal focal points that offer articulation to the façade. They also allow oblique views (through corner windows) from the building. The specification and design for the flats is to Housing Corporation and Eco-homes standards.

Olsen Rise provides a total of 21 two bedroom shared equity apartments for LACE Housing a specialist provider of accommodation and links to the existing support and care provision on site and also provides easy access to nearby shops – supporting independent living.

The siting of the proposed apartments completes the north and west sides of the site to reinforce the sense of community created by the enclosed courtyard.

Primary and secondary building elements in the form of projecting bays with hipped roofs and gables present formal focal points that offer articulation to the façade. They also allow oblique views (through corner windows) from the building. The specification and design for the flats is to Housing Corporation and Eco-homes standards.